Team Rider

action shot Hot Sails Maui

Julien Flechet

I was born September 24, 2001 feet in the straps!! I started the windsurf 6 years ago on a big starboard and NAUTIX 1.5. I did my first runs in Bandol and especially two months each year in Morocco Moulay Bouzerktoun.

I quickly moved on AHD Sealion which allowed me to grow in all types of conditions.

A 6-year for my birthday I had my first sail Hot Sails Maui, a Fire Micro 2.1m. Since the sail follows me all my sessions until Jeffrey offers sails Micro Freak sizes.... Now my sail most used is a Micro Freak 2.8m.

Today I weigh 32 kg and this wing is very flexible and allows me to keep 10 to 25 to 30 knots without worries...

My projects this year are:

- In turn regularly Backloops

- Start to engage me in forehead loop.. i love the CHEESE ROLL.

- And most progress in surfing because since I have my proto witchcraft, 50 liters came full of open horizons...

- to do some contests; wave contest

My passions in addition to the windsurf are the paddle, surfing and skateboarding. I'm currently climbing the school sports section so I practice 6 hours per week which allows me to prepare myself physically...

Birthday: 09-24-2001

Discipline: Wave


Microfreak 2.8, 3.2

QU4D 3-5, 3.9, 4.3


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