"Sêrfings ir mûžígs" that is our national slogan in windsurfing community what means "surfing is eternal". This goes hand in hand with sail model SFME what I am using at most. These sails are super durable and meant for long time usage. But the most important is the soft feeling what SF gives me on the water.
On the windsurf board I'm since 1995 it's more than half of my lifetime. So I am pretty much connected with this sport and I am hoping that I will have an opportunity to windsurf as long as I live.
During the summer and autumn the most of the time I am spending in the city Pavilosta which is my favorite windsurf spot in Latvia. Already for two years I have my own place there witch was one of my life's dreams.
Every winter I'm trying to escape Latvia to some warmer and windier places on earth. Mostly I'm visiting Tenerife, because the good combination of wind, waves and travel expenses.
Since now I have been the best in waves in all three Baltic states - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Let's see when the young guns will beat me. :)
Birthday: 1983
Discipline: Wave
Sails: SFME 3.7-4.2-4.7-5.3-5.8, Fire Light 5.0
Homepage: www.lat168.lv