Team Rider

action shot Hot Sails Maui

Kauli Seadi

Brazilian Kauli Seadi is the master of wave sailing! Multiple time world champion, and design innovator, Kauli is loved the world around. He has been an innovator of boards, fins, and now sails with his KS3 sail that he joined forces with Hot Sails Maui to create.

Kauli is a waterman, sailor, and lover of the ocean.


2013 4th PWA Aloha Classic

2009 2nd, Overall PWA Wave

2008 PWA World Champion Wave

2007 PWA World Champion Wave

2006 2nd overall Wave

2005 PWA World Champion Wave

Hometown: Sao miguel do Gostoso

Birthday: 12-20-1982

Discipline: Wave

Sails: KS3 3.7, 4.0, 4.3, 4.6, 4.9, 5.2, 5.5



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