Aloha and welcome to Hot Sails Maui for 2002!

Hot Sails Maui is on the move again and for 2002 we are making a serious effort to expand our markets into new and exciting areas.

Exciting new developments include the addition of Sean Ordonez as a team sailor, but more importantly as a designer. He has put a lot of time and effort into the new "SO" sail and it is has resulted in a very new style of sail for Hot Sails Maui.

On the opposite end of the market is the "Slic", a clean simple sail with a price to match.

Hot Sails Maui has become the company to deliver hard to find, innovative designs and products like the Diva for women and the MicroSlide for children. We add to both these lines and reintroduce our school sails as well.

I also would like to introduce Glenn Haselbeck, Hot Sails Maui's new sales manager who is working overtime to get these new innovations and products to your local sailing spot. I am confident we will be able to service your needs quickly and efficiently.


Jeffrey Henderson

Founder / Director, Hot Sails Maui International