Surf Magazine in Germany rates the 2002 S.O as the best sideshore wave sail in their test! It receives a perfect "10" for this and a perfect "10" for quality. Below find the translation and original text.
"On big waves with side shore or side-offshore winds it is the uncontested No 1."
Hot Sails Maui Sean Ordonez 4.7

The Hot Sails Maui is no average sail off the rack. That is immediately clear after unrolling the sail. It stands out even among all the other well reinforced wave sails of this group :

Leather cuffs on the mast sleeve top and at the batten tensioners as well as the very robust & durable appearing mast protector emphasize the radical intentions.

The mast sleeve is doubled with a smooth inner liner (the mast glides in a lot easier with this) and heavy duty material on the outside.

As specialized as the workmanship & quality of the sail is also is its range: On big waves with side shore or side-offshore winds it is the uncontested the No 1. It feels so neutral as if you would have thrown the sail overboard after dropping in on the wave.

"Off" with this sail means really no pull at all. It sails more on the soft side- but depending on how you rig it, it changes its character noticeably. Rigged for light winds it seems softer, yet with lots of tension it becomes one of the most agile sails in this group. And that's exactly how in our opinion, it should be sailed. So its preferred conditions become clear quickly: Big waves and side shore wind-that's what the SO knows and loves. For onshore winds and flat water you need a little bit more power to make up for the somewhat weaker early planning ability.